Individualized Occupational Therapy Services in the Kansas City Area

Occupational therapy intervention uses everyday life activities (occupations) to promote health, well-being, and your ability to participate in the important activities in your life. This includes any meaningful activity that a person wants to accomplish, including taking care of yourself and your family, working, volunteering, going to school, among many others.

Occupational therapy services typically include:

  • A consultation assessment that includes your occupational profile - client and family needs, values, environment, abilities, goals.

  • A tailored intervention plan to improve ability to perform daily activities (in school, work or safely at home) and reach goals.

  • Outcomes consultation to make sure that the goals set are being met.

Information from American Occupational Therapy Association.

Discovering My Dyslexia Superpowers was written to fill a gap in dyslexia literature. When looking for a children's book about dyslexia at their local library, author Megan Nicolas and her children found one that focused on "struggles" and difficulties. Her children said “We should write an encouraging book for kids about dyslexia.” So, they did!

Nicolas and her children want to educate others on the brilliant minds of dyslexics and encourage families to search for the key to unlock those minds.

What People Are Saying

“I really enjoyed this story depicting one family’s journey. What began with questions and doubts led to an affirming and uplifting story about the superpowers of Dyslexia.”
I highly recommend this book!

— Susan, Dyslexia Educator

“This book is very engaging for elementary aged kids. It puts a positive outlook on a diagnosis that could be scary to some. It gives kids and families motivation to find their own super powers! Our family loves it! Great read! School libraries should all have this book as well as families working through a Dyslexia diagnosis.”

— Kirsten, Speech Language Pathologist

“Wonderful book written about the positives of dyslexia! Empowering kids to realize their strengths and embrace them. I’d highly recommend it.”

— Jodie, mother of 2